Friday, January 8, 2016

Tacky will be deleted!

So much fun!  The Ethical Society of Austin has linked back to my blog on its Facebook page.  (Thanks, Trish!)  The way Blogger (the platform from which I blog) or Facebook (you probably know more about that one than I do) makes the link, what shows up is not the latest post but the text that heads the comment section.  Awkward.

The comment section now reads:
Post a Comment
Keep it courteous and mindful. Disagreement can be both courteous and mindful. Tacky is neither courteous nor mindful. Tacky will be deleted.
I would like to hide that (on Facebook) or otherwise have something more positive show up, but it will take a bit of doing to figure that out, I suppose.  The folks who set up these programs all seem to speak a different language than I do, and I don't mean a foreign language.  The jargon of any specialized discipline can seem opaque to the non-specialist, but that of programmers seems especially difficult as it evolves before we who must try to decipher it enough to actually use their programs can figure out what they are telling us.  Besides, I am living proof that nothing is foolproof!

In the meantime, I should say that I really do hope to have some comments.  The prospect of dialogue is a strong driver for this blog.  I have much to learn from other humanists and look forward to hearing their thoughts.  I have, however, been warned to expect some negative comments.  While I am a Happy Human, working on being a better person in a better world, some folks are just not there yet.  My viewpoint is non-theistic, but not anti-theistic.  At some point, that's going to show.  I thought it best to let those who might take offense at my viewpoint know that tacky comments just won't be allowed to stay around.  As for what I mean by "tacky," I have to confess that I don't have a definition, but I know it when I see it.  And so do you.  Just because we're talking on the internet doesn't mean you can forget how your mama raised you.  Mine always said:  "Be a lady if it kills you!"  Your mileage may vary.

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