Blogger, we have a problem. I am told that the attempt to post a
comment leads to a page of gibberish. It would be kind of someone to
copy and paste that in an email to me.
In the meantime, comments are happily accepted via email, if you have the address already. I can post your comment and reply in the blog.
I have also changed the settings for comments. I did have things set up so that you could comment "in line" and not have anything pop up. I have now changed it to "full page," which will, I hope, take you to a separate page for the purpose of commenting. This may make it awkward should you want to quote from the blog, forcing you to flip back and forth between the post and the comment form, but you will at least be able to comment.
In other news, I have added the option to
subscribe to the blog. If you have a
newsreader, you can click on the little orange icon

to subscribe. If you want to receive posts via
email, enter your email address in the box on the right. Please note that I have no clue how to use your address for spam, so all you'll get from me are these posts. Note, too, that there is some pent up opinionating going on right now, so posts are a tad more frequent than I expect them to be in the future. Anything that needs research can take one or more days to write, and I do hope to "have a life" apart from the blog. That means, you shouldn't be getting a lot of mail from the blog as things settle down. My goal will be one post per week, with the occasional week of multiple posts.
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