Thursday, October 26, 2023

Five When You Drive (and Then Some)

    Drive Friendly!    

Ethical Actions come in all sizes.  Some we do together.  Some we do separately but still working toward a common purpose.  Here are some Ethical Actions that we can perform as individuals to have a positive effect on our community and ourselves within or around our personal vehicles.

  • Yield.  The "Yield" sign is a tool for road safety and courtesy.  When a road sign indicates that you are driving in an area where traffic is merging, give way to incoming cars.  Traffic flow will be enhanced, and tempers will stay cool.
  • Yield.  Big rigs are bigger than you think.  Cutting in front on one is neither funny nor safe.  Give them room on the road, and get out of their way.  
    • Lessons from my father continue to echo in my brain when driving on the highway with 18-wheel trucks.  I often take the extra step of slowing down when I see that a trucker is trying to change lanes.  I know that he is on a schedule, has a beast of a machine to keep under control, and is way bigger than I am.  By slowing down, I can give him the extra room to make his lane change.  It really doesn't seem to make that much difference in my own arrival time, but the quick flash of his signal lights lets me know that I've helped in a small way to make the trucker's drive safer and easier.
  • Drive Friendly.  That's a motto that shows up on Texas highway signs ('cuz Texas is the Friendly State!), but it's a good principle for Ethical drivers.  Yes, we want to get from Point A to Point B as quickly and efficiently as possible, but it's not a race.  Nor is it a war, although there are times when the highway does indeed seem like a war zone with cars blinking their lights to get us to move out of their way, others speeding from one lane to another.  
    • Begin your drive mindfully, with the intention to keep it calm and courteous.  One calm and courteous driver may not seem like it will make much difference.  Actually, it may not make the drive better for anyone except you.  The Ethical Action is in not making the drive worse for anyone else.  
    • Lay off the horn.  
    • Use your signals.  
    • Stay within the speed limit.  

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